France Ups Paid Paternal Leave

French fathers will now have a 28 mandatory paid paternity leave as NATIONAL POLICY.

Fathers who take paternity leave remain more engaged in parenting, studies show, and are more likely to divide household chores after a long leave. 

Other European countries are also getting wise to the fact that babies have 2 parents and are lots of work and mothers are often recovering from birth.
Lithuania and Spain: 4 weeks

Portugal, 5 weeks, and Finland, 9 weeks

Germany, Shared 14 months of paid leave

Sweden, shared up to 480 days of parental leave.

French President hopes to reduce “inequality by introducing a compulsory week of paid paternal leave for every new father“. 

#WeTheMothers in America?? There is no national policy for paid paternal leave and “70 percent [of fathers] take no more than 10 days




US is #41 Globally for Parental Leave