We the Mothers of the United States..

…in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure DOMESTIC Tranquility, provide the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR POSTERITY, do ordain and establish this….

list of policy objectives.


The power to choose parenthood.

The continuum of Motherhood starts with choosing when NOT to have children and then having the tools to choose WHEN to have children.

Comprehensive healthcare for mothers-to-be.

Being a healthy mother requires good healthcare for becoming pregnant, during the whole pregnancy and (even in the case of pregnancy loss) and in early postpartum.

Support for the First 1000 Days.

Creating a culture of support for mothers and families in the earliest days of a baby’s life can make a huge difference for years to come for mothers AND children. From Paid Family Leave to mental health support to comprehensive childcare systems to improved nutrition for women and children in need, there are MANY policy levers


Give me your tired…Parents who want to see policy work better for us and our kids.

Email me with your policy ideas and thoughts about building the pro-family agenda of the future!

We the Mothers